Press releases 2018
Healthy Greener You, Roscommon Herald 13th November 2018
Healthy Greener You,Roscommon People 16th November 2018
Smashing the status quo, Roscommon People 2018
Smashing the status quo, Roscommon Herald 4th December 2018
Culture Night ,Roscommon People 5th October 2018
Culture Night, Roscommon Herald 25th September 2018
Social Enterprise awards,Roscommon Herald 29th May 2018
RWN supports women in business, Roscommon People 2018
Sports day,Roscommon Herald 2018
Sports day ctd., Roscommon People 18th May 2018
Family Sports Day, Roscommon Herald 8th May 2018
Sports People cover, Roscommon People 4th May 2018
Intercultural project, Local notes Roscommon Herald 1st May 2018
Syrian families, Roscommon Herald 1st May 2018
Women diversity, Roscommon Herald 24th April 2018
Council chamber, Roscommon Herald 24th April 2018
International Womens Day2018,Roscommon Herald 20th March 2018
Press releases 2017
Castlerea Musical Society, Roscommon People 2017
Shortlist for bank funding, Roscommon Herald 2017
Be bold for change project, Roscommon Herald 21st March 2017
Teresa raises funds, Roscommon Herald 2nd May 2017
Range of positives, Roscommon Herald 20th June 2017
Sports day, Roscommon Herald 4th July 2017
Culture Night in Roscommon, Roscommon People 29th September 2017
Press releases 2016
Victims of domestic violence rememberance, Roscommon Herald 9th December 2016
Oran gets active 2017 launch, Roscommon Herald 6th December 2016
Alcohol abuse conference, Roscommon Herald 6th December 2016
Victims of domestic violence rememberance, Roscommon Herald 6th December 2016
Warning on binge drinking, Roscommon People 18th November 2016
Rural citizenship engagement seminar, Roscommon Herald 8th November 2016
Wellbeing Conference, Roscommon People 4th December 2016
Passionate RWN, Roscommon People 30th September 2016
News 17th June 2016, Roscommon People
News June, September, July Roscommon Herald 2016
News Roscommon Herald 24th May 2016
News May 2016, Roscommon Herald
RWN and Family Resource Centre, Roscommon Herald 15th March 2016
International Womens Day, Roscommon Herald 15th March 2016
Oran gets active Roscommon Herald 1st March 2016
Oran gets active Roscommon Herald 23rd February 2016
Award in retail Roscommon Herald 16th February 2016
Oran gets active Roscommon Herald 16th February 2016
Oran gets active Roscommon Herald 9th February 2016
Oran gets active Roscommon Herald 2nd February 2016
Shops’ success Roscommon Herald 5th January 2016
Press releases 2015
Oran gets active, Roscommon Herald 22nd December 2015
RWN against violence, Roscommon Herald 15th December 2015
Safe Link, Roscommon Herald 24th November 2015
RWN Wellness Day, Roscommon Herald 3rd November 2015
Men’s shed, Roscommon Herald 3rd November 2015
Partnership with RWN, Roscommon Herald 9th June 2015
News October 2015, Roscommon Herald
RWN challenges, Roscommon Herald 13th October 2015
Project Match, Roscommon Herald 14th July 2015
Leyden looks bus services, Roscommon Herald 9th June 2015
Vital role of RWN, Roscommon People 22nd May 2015
Domestic violence, Roscommon Herald 19th May 2015
School inclusion programme, Roscommon Herald
Roscommon Lamb Festival and bus service, Roscommon Herald 21st April 2015
Training centre, Roscommon Herald 21st April 2015
Contract for social inclusion, Roscommon Herald 7th April 2015
Seminar, Roscommon Herald 31st March 2015
Funding for RWN,Roscommon Herald 10th March 2015
Funding for RWN, Roscommon People 6th March 2015
Funding for RWN and 5km run/walk, Roscommon Herald17th February 2015
Press releases 2014
Glenamaddy open for business letter, Roscommon Herald 2014
RWN Christmas wishes, Roscommon Herald 9th December 2014
Balloon release domestic abuse awareness, Roscommon Herald 9th December 2014
Anniversary celebrations, Roscommon Herald 9th December 2014
Interim funding for RWN, Roscommon Herald, 14th October 2014
Solution over the RWN security, Roscommon Herald 30th September 2014
Training centre awards, Roscommon Herald 16th September 2014
Community matters, Roscommon Herald 16th September 2014
A question of gender ,Roscommon Herald 2nd September 2014
RWN top of the class, Roscommon Herald 19th August 2014
Womens network give Oireachtas presentation, Roscommon Herald 22nd July 2014
Women’s Network continues to fight, Roscommon Herald 15th July 2014
Resist the closure of RWN, Roscommon Herald 1st July 2014
Why fix something that is not broken 1st July 2014
Public meeting, Roscommon People 27 June 2014
RWN prevented women from being murdered, Roscommon People 27th June 2014
Stop to closure RWN, Roscommon Herald 24th June 2014
RWN closure nightmare, Roscommon People 20th June 2014
Local notes, Roscommon Herald 3rd June 2014
Local notes, Roscommon Herald 27th May 2014
Local notes, Roscommon Herald 14th May 2014
RWN and Join our boys trust, Roscommon Herald 13th May 2014
Local notes, Roscommon Herald 6th May 2014
Digitalisation project provides experience for trainees, Roscommon Herald 29th April 2014
Road safety issue NFahy, Roscommon Herald 22nd April 2014
Ballymoe road safety NFahy, Roscommon Herald 22nd April 2014
Confidence boost, Roscommon Herald 22nd April 2014
RWN Fun run, Roscommon Herald 18th March 2014
Local notes, Roscommon Herald 11th March 2014
Re-launch of he RWN Shop, Roscommon Herald 4th March 2014
Farming issue NFahy, Roscommon Herald 4th March 2014
Nora Fahy candidate, Roscommon Herald 25th February 2014
Loss of teachers in the country, Roscommon Herald 25th February 2014
Long term service award Eamonn Gilligan, Roscommon Herald 25th February 2014
Glenamaddy issue, Roscommon Herald 11th February 2014
Turf cutting issue NFahy, Roscommon Herald 21st January 2014