Beyond the accredited QQI Courses offered in the RWN Local Training Services, we also offer and host a variety of courses and workshops throughout the year.

A Healthy and Greener You
Coming October 2022 – “A Healthy and Greener You” is where we learn a little horticulture, a little cookery, shopping tips, reducing waste tips, a little learning from nature while having a lot of fun. Learn how and why small changes ordinary people can make in our everyday routine will help us, nature and our world be healthier and happier. And now, due to popular demand we are working on developing a HGY step up community education course. Call or Text Nora on 086 8099154 or PM us on FB for more details or to book your place or for more info. No charge. R.W.N. are collaborating with GRETB, Roscommon County Council, Roscommon Environment Network to provide this course.
STEPS course
“Would you like to improve your personal relationships, raise your confidence and build up your self-esteem, help with setting and meeting goals, learn how to think positively? Then our STEPS course is for you! STEPS runs for two mornings a week over a four week period starting in October 2022 dates to be confirmed. From past experience of running this course places will fill up quickly, so to avoid disappointment, please ring us on 094 9621690 text 086 8099154 or email us on: The course itself is free of charge to anyone in receipt of a social welfare payment, however we do require a small once off contribution of €10 per participants to secure your place and cover materials and refreshments.”
Up-cycling textiles & RWN Community Re-use Project
Despite being relatively easy to recycle, an estimated 93% of all textile waste in Ireland is sent to landfill, producing detrimental environmental effects. In an effort to do our bit locally RWN has established a local textile upcycling project in Castlerea town with the support of Roscommon County Council, GRETB and The Rediscovery Centre in Dublin.
As part of this project we are offering our part-time textile/ fashion upcycling course, which runs periodically. You can learn easy techniques in sewing, printing, design, pattern making and the different skills and awareness needed to upcycle clothing and fabrics. Or maybe you have some or all of these skills already with an interest in upcycling fashion and would like to think with other local likeminded people?Then we would be delighted to hear from you!